Karlrovini Fraud
Dead media mainstream asleep at the wheel; With Brad and Angelina to keep it all real
Imus in the Morning in malfunctioning cities; Blitzer of the blunderbuss pinching Michael Powell’s titties. Once West Wing blowjobs commanded attention; Now as quaint and as fashionable as a Geneva Convention; Karl Rove and his Filthy Boys Minding the Store
As he squats for his Jesus, and kneels for his whore -- February 23, 2005
"This symbolic gesture will tell Iraqis, and the world, that we believe in their cause and will stand beside them and all peoples who embrace freedom," said Rep. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana." It's been said that partisanship stops at the water's edge. Let us again show that to be true by joining together in this symbolic gesture." What's $200 billion, a few thousand lives and martial law among sovereigns? -- January 30, 2005
Diplomatic Immunity
Following in the footsteps of Prince Harry's unfortunate choice of costume, Vice President Dick Cheney thought that a drab, olive-green parka and a ski cap would be the perfect outfit to represent the United States at a memorial ceremony at Auschwitz. Defenders commented that the cold weather was a justification, as if a Speedo clad Australian Prime Minister John Howard would be acceptable at a September 11th memorial. -- Janaury 29, 2005
Uncle William's Bordello
Conservative pundit, synicated columnist and right wing hack, Armstrong Williams, added to the disgrace of journalism after admitting to pocketing $240,000.00 to parrot the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind" education policy by broadcasting segments by Secretary Rod Paige, and hosting Department of Education staff including Secretary Paige at their own whim. Violating a law against unauthorized federal propaganda is the least of it. As the Snoop says, "Drop it like it's hot." -- January 8, 2005
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