Imus and the Flies
March 24, 2005

It’s not his over-the-top, homophobic, racist, misogynist, jingoist, geocentric commentary and the political incorrectness of his show that’s at issue. Nor the boring Kathy Lee Gifford meanderings about his annoying son, Wyatt, nor the one-act, one-joke retards and morons he employs. It’s his guests.

He has smartly interwoven faux beltway sophistication with faux cowboy country rustic with a blend of unmistakable trailer trash tawdry that somehow commands the attention of every columnist vying enviously to get onto his show, and politicians -- both locally in New York and nationally --know that passing the Imus test can have more impact on a race than most would like to admit.


Bully Pal Pit

Imus…taking freedom of speech to a whole new level

MSNBC and a bunch of other media properties have no problem aligning themselves with Don Imus’ Hatred in the Morning, News Corp’s Peter Chernin stops jacking off over the prospect of Temptation Island going digital with a smut attack, New York Post’s Andrea Peyser uses London’s Sun tabloid to guide her moral finger wagging over appropriate art, Ann Coulter flaunts her pussy like a Jerry Springer guest, Andrew Sullivan sees the light, (or sits on it), Trent Lott forgets he has no credibility, President Bush is shamed by you…no by him…fuck that teleprompter…and AOL Time Warner reveals their deep-rooted hatred of children with cancer.

[Suffer More]

Imus and Friends

Rupert Murdoch: Can You Bare It?

Shrivel Rights

I believe people have taken a step back and asked, `What's important in life?' You know, the bottom line and this corporate America stuff, is that important? Or is serving your neighbor, loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself?

Presidential patronizing, Mike Barnicle on word etiquette, Eliot Spitzer know it when he sees it, Donahue doesn’t, Fox News Channels’ Dianne Brandi drags Bill O’Reilly through Jasper the mud, by comparing her boss, Rupert Murdoch, to Jesus’ Dad. New York Post’s Megan Turner writes poo, while Wall Street Journal’s Brendan Miniter has plans for trade in China. Eminem has plans for Hilary Rosen, but her head is somewhere else.

[Suffer More]

Whistle While You Audit

At this moment, America's greatest economic need is higher ethical standards — standards enforced by strict laws and upheld by responsible business leaders.

Harken and Enron energize George Bush critics, while Dick Cheney, Ken Lay, and Harvey Pitt stand in the wings. Calico cats cause satellite shenanigans from Moscow, as Phil Gramm’s wife, Wendy, Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay laugh all the way to the bank. Michael Jackson becomes black again, while Lynne Cheney faces a new tune. Worldcom’s Bernard Ebbers pleads the Fifth on your dime. Maggie Gallagher wants the OJ Simpsons to stick with their Nicoles, while shrieking anchors Chris Matthews and Mike Barnicle reinforce the sexual orientations of the world’s Hilary Rosens. Dick Cheney and Zelma Branch parrot Halliburton lines as Asa Hutchinson takes the DEA to Hollywood. Welcome to hell.

[Suffer More]

Anus in the Morning and Dirty Daisy

...with the tip of my Timberland shoe.

Executive Producer of the “Imus in the Morning” radio program, Bernard McGuirk, expressing how he would apologize to New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, for publicly criticizing her labeling of the Church sex abuse scandal as pedophilia, rather than a homosexual, problem. McGuirk, apparently a former, cock-sucking altar boy himself, seems to be revealing, for a change, some deep-rooted hatred of women and confusion with the Church that turned him into little Blowjob Bernie. ALSO, Chris Jansing and Bob Kerr want a new Ground Zero to report on now that it's nearly cleaned up, Wall Street Journal's James Taranto goosesteps over to MSN, Charles McCord, another Don Imus piss boy wants you to think he's I-cool, Maggie Gallagher wants to exhume Jessica Tandy to play Juliet, Alan Keyes turns MSNBC into CBN, while Andy Lack wants to turn it into Fox (same thing, idiots) and a bad attempt at a masculine voiceover for the self-proclaimed America's News Channel, MSNBC is enough to alert Pennsylvania Attorney General, Mike Fisher into assuming little girl abuse. What a fucking M-ess (NBC)!

[Suffer More]

Hughes Who in the Zoo?

But the reason I started to use that term is because it's a more accurate description. These are not suicide bombings. These are not people who just kill themselves. These are people who deliberately go to murder others, with no regard to the values of their own life.

Ari Fleischer, April 12, 2002 yaps the party line as orchestrated by Karen Hughes, Laura Bush strives for sewing on earth while Joe Liberman bores everyone on earth to death. James Taranto kisses Ariel Sharon's ass, David Horowitz spews the victim card yet again. Karenna Gore Schiff wants to be Daddy this time round while Tom DeLay wants to keep a perverted eye on your kids. Amidst all this, we now have LaTourette Syndrome to deal with.

[Suffer More]

Boxing Paula and Ripping O'Reilly

Memo to rest of world: It's true that America is the mightiest country in the world, possibly in history. And if you want to worship us, we're cool with that. But we aren't actually God. Some things we don't control.

Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto, March 5, 2002 in the paper’s Opinion Journal in the kind of jingoistic, preadolescent claptrap that saturates the paper’s editorial pages. Also, Brendan Miniter kisses Mel Gibson's Hollywood ass; Andrew Sullivan discovers politicians are opportunistic; Bill O'Reilly looks into the mirror to see Geraldo and Oliver North; Focus on the Family's Walter Larimore is focusing on your children; New York Post's Daniel Pipes pipes up with a brilliant idea for Alan Keyes; Robert Ray reminds us why Osama bin Laden could plan away unhindered and Paula Jones gets classy on us. No, it's not the Royal Ascot Races.

[Suffer More]
Fear and Loathing and Sheep's Clothing
December 7, 2001

Heather Mercer and Dayna Curry decided to go to help people who needed help. Their faith led them to Afghanistan. One woman who knows them best put it this way: they had a calling to serve the poorest of the poor, and Afghanistan is where that calling took them.

Our intellectually challenged United Sates President George W. Bush regarding aid workers rescued from Afghanistan at a White House ceremony in the The Rose Garden... PLUS...Burkha Babes for Jesus thank the wrong people...cloning suffers a major setback when John Ashcroft chimes in...military tribunals become de rigueur...New York Post yet again...FBI shows Yasser Arafat the meaning of immediacy by finally capturing Clayton Waagner...and Rev. Franklin Graham forgets What Jesus Would Do!

[Suffer More]

When we began, it was illegal to disparage in an annoying and indecent manner. Iirit8 was designed to take quotes of people who had uttered something noteworthy or stupid enough to warrant inclusion. It was in this area that we used the strongest language we could come up with and the most colorful phrasing we could muster. We have reintroduced this section because all-too-often what people say makes for very interesting reading. Since we defined the legal rules in this battle, we no longer have to push that envelope. is the envelope. We will continue to use strong language in this section, but not quite as over the top and overstated!

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
by Clinton Fein
Thursday, December 21, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Sunday, December 10, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Sunday, December 10, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Monday, December 4, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Friday, October 27, 2006
by Clinton Fein
Monday, October 2, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Seems to me that if some loyal Brit wanted to take a page out of the American handbook - and give Burrell a helping hand with his vision - the next time Burrell the Bum looks in the mirror, what the butler sees is two black eyes.

Steve Dunleavy, the gossip whore from the New York Post. The violence of News Corporation’s Rupert Murdoch owned company gets to our heads in an outburst that leaves Peter Chernin, Roger Ailes and other Rupert owned stooges reeling, the Department of Defense fires Arab speaking linguists for being gay while the about-to-be-expanded bureaucracy of American intelligence still hasn’t found abortion clinic bomber Clayon Waagner in the hills of middle America. And of course, we remind the bastards at News Corp. who actually killed Diana as they wallow in the sordid affairs of her butler, the esteemed Mr. Burrell.

Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Imus…taking freedom of speech to a whole new level

MSNBC and a bunch of other media properties have no problem aligning themselves with Don Imus’ Hatred in the Morning, News Corp’s Peter Chernin stops jacking off over the prospect of Temptation Island going digital with a smut attack, New York Post’s Andrea Peyser uses London’s Sun tabloid to guide her moral finger wagging over appropriate art, Ann Coulter flaunts her pussy like a Jerry Springer guest, Andrew Sullivan sees the light, (or sits on it), Trent Lott forgets he has no credibility, President Bush is shamed by you…no by him…fuck that teleprompter…and AOL Time Warner reveals their deep-rooted hatred of children with cancer.

Friday, August 9, 2002

I believe people have taken a step back and asked, `What's important in life?' You know, the bottom line and this corporate America stuff, is that important? Or is serving your neighbor, loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself?

Presidential patronizing, Mike Barnicle on word etiquette, Eliot Spitzer know it when he sees it, Donahue doesn’t, Fox News Channels’ Dianne Brandi drags Bill O’Reilly through Jasper the mud, by comparing her boss, Rupert Murdoch, to Jesus’ Dad. New York Post’s Megan Turner writes poo, while Wall Street Journal’s Brendan Miniter has plans for trade in China. Eminem has plans for Hilary Rosen, but her head is somewhere else.

Friday, July 12, 2002

At this moment, America's greatest economic need is higher ethical standards — standards enforced by strict laws and upheld by responsible business leaders.

Harken and Enron energize George Bush critics, while Dick Cheney, Ken Lay, and Harvey Pitt stand in the wings. Calico cats cause satellite shenanigans from Moscow, as Phil Gramm’s wife, Wendy, Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay laugh all the way to the bank. Michael Jackson becomes black again, while Lynne Cheney faces a new tune. Worldcom’s Bernard Ebbers pleads the Fifth on your dime. Maggie Gallagher wants the OJ Simpsons to stick with their Nicoles, while shrieking anchors Chris Matthews and Mike Barnacle reinforce the sexual orientations of the world’s Hilary Rosens. Dick Cheney and Zelma Branch parrot Halliburton lines as Asa Hutchinson takes the DEA to Hollywood. Welcome to hell.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

…with the tip of my Timberland shoe.

Executive Producer of the “Imus in the Morning” radio program, Bernard McGuirk, expressing how he would apologize to New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, for publicly criticizing her labeling of the Church sex abuse scandal as pedophilia, rather than a homosexual, problem. McGuirk, apparently a former, cock-sucking altar boy himself, seems to be revealing, for a change, some deep-rooted hatred of women and confusion with the Church that turned him into little Blowjob Bernie. ALSO, Chris Jansing and Bob Kerr want a new Ground Zero to report on now that it's nearly cleaned up, Wall Street Journal's James Taranto goosesteps over to MSN, Charles McCord, another Don Imus piss boy wants you to think he's I-cool, Maggie Gallagher wants to exhume Jessica Tandy to play Juliet, Alan Keyes turns MSNBC into CBN, while Andy Lack wants to turn it into Fox (same thing, idiots) and a bad attempt at a masculine voiceover for the self-proclaimed America's News Channel, MSNBC is enough to alert Pennsylvania Attorney General, Mike Fisher into assuming little girl abuse. What a fucking M-ess (NBC)!

Monday, April 15, 2002

But the reason I started to use that term is because it's a more accurate description. These are not suicide bombings. These are not people who just kill themselves. These are people who deliberately go to murder others, with no regard to the values of their own life. These are murderers. The President has said that in the Rose Garden. And I think that is just a more accurate description of what these people are doing. It's not suicide, it's murder.

Ari Fleischer, April 12, 2002 yaps the party line as orchestrated by Karen Hughes, Laura Bush strives for sewing on earth while Joe Liberman bores everyone on earth to death. James Taranto kisses Ariel Sharon's ass, David Horowitz spews the victim card yet again. Karenna Gore Schiff wants to be Daddy this time round while Tom DeLay wants to keep a perverted eye on your kids. Amidst all this, we now have LaTourette Syndrome to deal with.

Thursday, March 7, 2002

Memo to rest of world: It's true that America is the mightiest country in the world, possibly in history. And if you want to worship us, we're cool with that. But we aren't actually God. Some things we don't control.

Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto, March 5, 2002 in the paper’s Opinion Journal in the kind of jingoistic, preadolescent claptrap that saturates the paper’s editorial pages. Also, Brendan Miniter kisses Mel Gibson's Hollywood ass; Andrew Sullivan discovers politicians are opportunistic; Bill O'Reilly looks into the mirror to see Geraldo and Oliver North; Focus on the Family's Walter Larimore is focusing on your children; New York Post's Daniel Pipes pipes up with a brilliant idea for Alan Keyes; Robert Ray reminds us why Osama bin Laden could plan away unhindered and Paula Jones gets classy on us. No, it's not the Royal Ascot Races.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

When there are problems in the family you don't walk away. You work them out together with God's help

Cardinal Bernard Law, February 1O 2002, following the scandal from the January 18 conviction of defrocked priest John J. Geoghan, convicted of indecent assault and battery on a 10 year old boy. Also Ari Fleischer gets reamed by Helen Thomas, Maggie Thatcher waves her butcher knife, the New York Post's Richard Johnson and Lenn Robbins show us why Rupert Murdoch's tabloid trash is winning over the body bags in Afghanistan, and David Horowitz rims George W. Bush, who's greasing up a few good men of his own.

Friday, December 7, 2001

Heather Mercer and Dayna Curry decided to go to help people who needed help. Their faith led them to Afghanistan. One woman who knows them best put it this way: they had a calling to serve the poorest of the poor, and Afghanistan is where that calling took them.

Our intellectually challenged United Sates President George W. Bush regarding aid workers rescued from Afghanistan at a White House ceremony in the The Rose Garden... PLUS...Burka Babes for Jesus thank the wrong people...cloning suffers a major setback when John Ashcroft chimes in...military tribunals become de rigueur...New York Post yet again...FBI shows Yasser Arafat the meaning of immediacy by finally capturing Clayton Waagner...and Rev. Franklin Graham forgets What Jesus Would Do!

Monday, November 26, 2001

We still want the whole world to focus on human rights abuses of women and children by the Taliban. They are so unbelievable that woman and young girls aren't allowed to be educated… that women aren't allowed to have a job… women are literally not allowed to be seen.

Waking up from a stupor --- none other than America’s First Lady Laura Bush demonstrating the advantage of having Barbara Bush as a role model...PLUS… Our Lord and savior has arrived to save the day. Motion Picture Association of America’s Jack Valenti on Hollywood’s highly publicized meeting with Karl Rove. George W. Bush looks more and more like a cocky arrogant schoolboy – embarrassing America while Vladimir Putin solidifies Russia’s dominance in Asia…Uncle Tom, stand aside please, as we introduce modern day Aunty Condi

Friday, November 9, 2001

This is still no time to go wobbly. Also, it is no time for the U.S. media to revert to the hysterical, silly, fear-mongering, self-centered, juvenile and ninnyish form that has made it so widely mistrusted and so cordially detested.

Michael Kelly in an October 20, 2001 New York Post Editorial with this image on the front page. PLUS...Rupert and Christiane Amanpour duke it out...Prince Charles faces seeds of discontent head on...Golden Gate bridge becomes a target of politics...MSNBC brings you the whole picture in the form of an asshole...Steve Case and Bill Gates want access to your children's minds and anthrax continues to be the "new jaws"scare tactic in the new normalcy.

Monday, October 4, 1999
Tuesday, May 25, 1999
Wednesday, April 28, 1999


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