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Wednesday, April 28, 1999

MSNBC: MS Nothing But Colorado and the Pigs that Profit!

"The key to this case is the Internet ... They were in chat rooms...they had Web pages."

Criminologist Casey Jordan on MSNBC, irresponsibly and irrationally scapegoating the Internet in the wake of the Colorado massacre. No you clueless bitch, it's trite cunts like you, with your rules of evidence shoved so far up your twat that the only part of criminologist you're worthy of using in your title is criminal. Your profession has done a great job of JonBenet though. Who you blaming for that?

"MSNBC will have live coverage of the funerals hosted by David Gregory."

MSNBC host of Morning Line, Chris Jansing, barely able to hold in her pussy drip at the prospect of exploiting live funerals, to co-host John Seigenthaler. This bitch, whose contribution to journalism is to look as pretty (or forlorn) as possible with tragic backdrops like airplane crashes or school shootings, has about as much journalistic skill as Matt Drudge.

"We've kicked God out of the schools and brought Marilyn Manson into schools...It's a sad day in America when Christian children are being hunted down in schools."

Lowest Presidential candidate on the totem pole, Family Research Council's Gary Bauer milking the Colorado tragedy on MSNBC's Watch It. (Don't!!) Yeah, fuckwad, the royal "we". If you're so fucking sure that the reason these kids were killed had anything remotely to do with Christianity, then stop trying to electro-convert homosexuals into Christians, you fucking murderous piece of shit-stained trash. Seems like Christianity has kicked the tolerant principles of Jesus out of the Church and is shoving Charles Manson into the schools and politics. Stay the hell away from our children, you sick, twisted fuck.

"I also want to thank Al and Tipper Gore, who have done enormously important work on this for years, to try to help us deal with the TV issues, the ratings, the V-chips, and now the new efforts we've been making with the Internet community to give parents some more control over that -- and the efforts we have to make to train the parents to figure out how to do it, since their kids all know more about it than they do. "

Click to SendPresident Bill Clinton capitalizing on the Colorado tragedy by announcing new gun control laws. We must have missed something, and our Supreme Court lawsuit was all in vain! After all, if the efforts to give parents more control are government intrusion, vague legislation and precarious enforcement, than yes. But who needs V-Chips to prevent violent programming when kids can just watch NATO bombing bridges on MSNBC or CNN. And didn't Al invent the Internet? Of course the bombing of civilians (collateral damage) does not portray violence as a strategy, does it you fucking idiot. Who needs to worry about their kids surfing the Internet when their kids are sucking your cock in the Oval office?

"...shameless exploitation of the shooting in Columbine High School....[pause]...[media] shoving microphones into the mouths of the's disgusting... "

But let's discuss it anyway with some of the slow-motion video shots we've been re-running incessantly ever since the tragedy occurred? MSNBC's host of Watch It, Laura Ingraham interviewing Gary Bauer, proceeding to then blame "violent content pouring out of Hollywood and the Internet." Maybe you and your "producer" Leah should spend a little less time together, giggling like two unprofessional, lovesick halfwits as you proceed to demean every female journalist in your wake, and instead spend a little more time researching what the fuck is actually going on.

"Tonight we'll have more from Littleton, Colorado. Did the killers learn their violent ways online? "

Yet another MSNBC closet case, Stone Phillips, pumping his Dateline show. Gee, Stone, did they learn to hide who they really were by watching people like you on Dateline? Another fucking journalist from the Norah-O'Donnell-look-how-pretty-I-am-when-I-do this -thing-with-my-lips school of talking head punditry. Stick to shows about used cars asshole.

"The Internet-I know when you were in Littleton, everyone talked to you about the Internet, where there was evidence that-instructions how to make bombs were on the Internet and these young men used them. How do we control the Internet? How do we keep young people from getting access to that kind of information? "

NBC's Meet the Press' Time Russert to Attorney General Janet Reno. Tim, you gluttonous pig. If you would stop shoving food into your repulsive face for more than a few minutes you would understand as a journalist that the last thing America needs is a self-righteous fuckpig asking Reno, of all people, how to control the Internet. In case you've forgotten, material on how to make bombs is available at your local library. But you wouldn't know that because it requires exercise to get there. We wonder what negative impact pontificating slobs on a Sunday morning have on our children.

"The fundamental problem is the poisoning of the culture. And secondly, that God and the Ten Commandments and Christian instruction and all moral teaching had been removed from these public schools, and into that vacuum has gone the law of Satan. "

The professional failed Presidential candidate Pat Buchannan to NBC's Tim Russert (once again wasting your tax dollars so his psychotic rug-munching sister Bay can do talk shows with Ollie North on MSNBC or step in for the blonde bimbo Laura Ingraham). Since you and that faggot-hating-faggot Gary Bauer seem to think that the absence of prayer in schools is to blame (while you suck the blood from the dead children), may we remind you that Michael Carneal gunned down a prayer circle. Seems like the presence of prayer in school was to blame for that one, you ragged old cumstained piece of shit. Go eat hemorrhoids or something that will benefit America. Or blow Bay, but shut the fuck up for Christ's sake.


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