Presidential Leak
That President Bush authorized an aide to disclose classified intelligence on Iraqi weapons, outing a CIA operative in the process, and smirkingly telling journalists that although he wouldn't tolerate leaking, finding the culprit would be tough, proves that the man is not simply a cheat and a liar, but a traitor. -- April 8, 2006
The Great Guzzler
The President has used the bully pulpit to spew his narrow, deluded world view that bares not a trace of reality, vision or wisdom. Representing a once-respected nation by turning it into a sick, despised caricature of democracy, achieved by preemptive force and intimidation. A twisted Napoleonic mélange of bullying, bellicose bravado, riddled with corruption, cronyism, greed and arrogance. Image by Michael Dickinson -- February 6, 2006
Execution and Evacuation
Oh that the execution of our emergency response matched the response to our emergency executions. As our government stalled, clueless as to how to save lives or get people evacuated, the mechanisms to kill and deport them were up and running with the mechanical efficiency of a slick, well-oiled machine.
Hero Fiddled
With your lack of leadership and failure to protect the Americans who foolishly elected you to serve and protect them, the blood dripping from your murderous hands has breached not just the public trust, but also the levy and is flooding New Orleans, almost 20 foot deep. --September 1, 2005
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