Dazed & Confused
Saturday November 17, 2001 Laura Bush became the first first lady to deliver the first complete national address over which the media nearly exploded. The first lady called the treatment of women and children by the Taliban "deliberate human cruelty." Aren't women the world over lucky that it's only the Taliban?
Missile Smile
America's most pressing national security challenge is to reduce our current vulnerability of our deployed forces by acquiring defenses against missile attack. The fundamental objective of the Ballistic Missile Defense Program is to develop the capability to defend the forces and territories of the United States, its Allies, and friends against all classes of ballistic missile threats.
Tax Relief
There's something for everyone in the $1.35 trillion landmark tax legislation President George W. Bush signed June 7, 2001...$300 for singles, $500 for single parents and $600 for couples. Watch the NASDAQ rise.
Bush Lite
Because he signed a zero-tolerance underage drinking law in Texas when he was governor, the President's daughters could face jail time. Jenna has at least two offenses that count under the no-tolerance statute. One more offense, she goes to jail.
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