Best Not Buy Best Buy
Like Target, Best Buy thought it would be a smart business decision to make significant contributions to the political action committee MN Forward, who is helping to elect rabid homophobe, Rep. Tom Emmer. The Minnesota Independent has also linked Emmer to a Minnesota Christian "punk-rock ministry" that supports the killing of gays and lesbians.
Best Not Buy
Like Target, Best Buy thought it would be a smart business decision to make significant contributions to the political action committee MN Forward, who is helping to elect rabid homophobe, Rep. Tom Emmer. The Minnesota Independent has also linked Emmer to a Minnesota Christian "punk-rock ministry" that supports the killing of gays and lesbians.
Green Screen
BP's CEO, Tom Hayward, is the worst kind of manipulative, entitled culprit. This isn't a matter of demonizing Big Oil any more than it already demonizes itself, but Hayward's rollbacks of any BP projects that were even remotely green is well known. The only green BP, or Tony Hayward, gives a flying crap about is money.
Fired and Tired
"Liberation" invaded Iraq, killed thousands of her people, destroyed her infrastructure, and established a military occupation in her towns and cities complete with censorship, curfews, barbed wire, and, of course, the removal of Saddam Hussein and his hordes of weapons of mass destruction. If this is how the U.S. communicates the taste of freedom, perhaps those involved in the Fallujah atrocity were adapting to the behavior of their occupiers. A slightly more violent admonishment for their misunderstanding of the term freedom. A workaround the minefield of intellectual property law ala Trump. "You're Fired!"-- April 17, 2004
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