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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Brokebank Mountain

Fighting windmills, chasing dragons
Defensive postures, circling wagons

Cowboy nightmares, stereotype shake-up
Gossipy aides in White House make-up

Napoleonic complex, Don Quixote
Embryonic stem cells, Truman Capote

Displaced stereotypes riding on the range
Misplaced neophytes resisting the change

Old school prejudice, high level blues
Plummeting polls, manufactured news

Hemorrhaging treasury, economy tank
Political capital, broken bank


One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest
October 12, 2005

September 10, 2005

Girlie Man
July 19, 2004

Slinking Towards Sodom
June 25, 2003


Reality Blows
June 30, 2005

The Backfire of the Bush
March 29, 2004

The Silence of the Sodomites
August 8, 2003

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Go To Hell
The Law of Guns and Canon

May 31, 2002

Telling, Asking and Lying
The Official Military Policy

January 1, 2000

Matthew Shepard: A Call to Arms
October 1, 1998


The Cervantes novel has influenced many novelists and artists since its creation and now Clinton Fein provides a new twist to this old classic. In the December 2005 cover Brokebank Mountain and the accompanying editorial “’Tis Treason,” Fein clads the main players of the Washington scene in Don Quixote and Sancho Panza knightly outfits to remind us of the absurdity and lunacity of hatched plans to bring “total victory” at all costs.

Fein’s Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are charging off into the distance on a country road near Brokebank Mountain, perhaps near Texas, with a scheme to rape the US Constitution and wage daily assaults on civil liberties as to distract us from the unwinnable war by fighting oil refinery towers, (the modern version the windmills once targeted by Don Quixote and Sancho Panza).

Upon reflection, the literary masterpiece Don Quixote de la Mancha, published four hundred years ago, is a perfect match illustrating and capturing the madness of a secretive and evil administration whose main purpose is to undermine the democratic foundation of its nation while attempting to bring democratic values to Iraq.

The Bush-Cheney grand design of domestic spying is nothing more than an attempt to silence dissent through fear, a tactic used many times in the course of this nation’s history during perilous times. Since the ratification of the Bill of Rights, there have been rare instances in American history when the First Amendment has been set aside. The most notable periods of government censorship involve sedition acts and wartime censorship as in the American Revolution of 1798 to the Civil War in 1861 to 1971 to 2005. In all these instances, we learned that our civil liberties became casualties of war. By now this is an all-too-familiar pattern and the most fundamental question we ought to ask ourselves: Do these restrictions on our freedom of speech and freedom of expression prove that our national security interests are being served?

Today’s men of La Mancha exploit the war in order to scrap and obliterate checks, balances, warrants and civil liberties by disregarding the safety measures put forth in the U.S. Constitution by the Founding Fathers. These measures were well thought out and crafted by astute minds to protect future generations from contemputuous acts and authocratic decrees as proposed in the Patriot Act.

Is it likely that our Sancho will abandon the Byzantine scheme of spying on Americans and realize that letting Osama bin Laden roam the back mountains of Afghanistan is more of a threat to national and global security? Would the Don Quixote of our time ever realize that he is pursuing a delusional foreign policy, disasterous domestic agenda and reigning over a doomed economic plan?

If we join the adventures concocted by the Brokebank mountaineers, we might just find ourselves in an abyss from which there is no return. Perhaps Cervantes’ script of Don Quixote or the musical adaptation of The Man of la Mancha, should be a warning and a guide to making a New Year’s resolution calling for impeachment and effectively putting a stop to the Don Quixotic adventures of the Bush and Cheney team.

How many more misadventures must the country endure before this misguided couple joins the chorus line?

Hanna Regev, Brokebank Mountain, December 29, 2005

ABHORRENT: Intentional blasphemy, evil, gross immorality, falsehood, evil worldviews, and/or destructive, horrendous worldview problems... As we predicted above, there are sure to be many leftwing awards for this twisted, laughable, frustrating, plotless, and boring piece of homosexual, Neo-Marxist propaganda. If only the leftists, radical feminists and Communists would show the same compassion for the wives of homosexual perverts like these two characters, the world might be a better place. Don't count on that happening any time soon, however.

Ted Baehr, Brokeback Mountain,


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