Rather Sad to Be GLAAD The Eminem Controversey
By Clinton Fein
Thursday, February 01, 2001
Oh for Christ's Sake, Lycos! Whose Jews Should Choose the News?
By Clinton Fein
Friday, September 03, 1999
God Hates Fags No More! An Interview with Benjamin Phelps
By Clinton Fein
Friday, August 20, 1999
Mickey Mouse
Homo Disease?
Fuck Homophobia
Damn Right
Rainbow Trap
Jesus Loves You
Hey Mickey…
RELATED CONVERSATIONS Registration required
To Believe or Not To Believe
Kill the Christians (with a disclaimer)
Moral Responsibility in Institutional Actions
The ERLC's [Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission] 2001 annual report calls for Disney to cease its promotion of "Gay Days" at its theme parks; halt the publication of pro-homosexual books; refrain from advocating the "radical homosexual agenda" through its broadcast venues; and "establish an advisory committee of Southern Baptists and other evangelicals" to provide Disney "advice and counsel" on their entertainment projects.
Southern Baptist Convention Press Release, "SBC to Disney: Cease Gay Days for the boycott to be lifted," Jun 14, 2001
Dogma, mocks everything we hold sacred - God, the Church, the Mass and Mary's virginity. It condones what we condemn - murder, obscenity, violence, profanity, drugs, drunkenness and rebellion!
A flier released by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, which joined the Catholic League and others at a protest of the movie Dogma, both properties of the Walt Disney Company
We're praying for Michael Eisner and Disney and Miramax so that they stop ridiculing Christians and Catholics in the world
Bev Santini of Garden City, New York, one of hundreds of protestors to Fox News at a Monday protest of the movie Dogma. The prior weekend demonstrations by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, which joined the Catholic League, were against the Brooklyn Museum exhibit Sensation, which opened that Saturday.
In his annual letter to shareholders, Walt Disney Chairman Michael Eisner said he "always will defend the right" of the company to make entertainment that some might find offensive. He also pledged to fight attempts by groups like the Southern Baptist Convention to change the content of Disney products
Associated Press, 1998