It's All About the E
Once the ACLU Foundation of Northern California and the national ACLU Foundation’s Lesbian & Gay Rights Project agreed to defend Justin Watt against Exodus International for parodying their billboard, they stood more chance of turning Richard Simmons straight than prevailing in their legal battle. They asserted Watt's use of their "e" suggested an endorsement. Exodus dropped their frivilous claim. -- March 31, 2006
Neo Constitution
Iraqi women are in a near panic as the threat of a Sharia law based legal system hovers ominously over the constitutional protection once promised along with the pelting of U.S servicemembers with flowers upon the liberation of Baghdad.
FOIA Proof
Where is Bush's FBI file?
When it comes to the issue of FBI files on President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry, the so-called liberal media have shown unquestionable bias in only scrutinizing Kerry's dossier and ignoring the possibility of a file on Bush. -- October 1, 2004
Mumia Mia!
MTV has demanded that Public Enemy modify a reference to Mumia Abu-Jamal, convicted of killing a police officer, by removing, of all words, the word "free" form the video. "We felt it was a personal and political position on an individual, and we are an unbiased company. We asked them to resubmit the video without the word 'free.'" How about "fuck off hypocrites", but remove the word "off"? -- September 19, 2002
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