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Money Green

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Goodbye Money Green
Though we never could have snapped enough
You had the gall to kill yourself
Making close ups kinda tough

We crawled out of the bushes
We set up cameras in your gym
We taped your phone calls
As we risked your life and limb

And it seems that now we’re photoless
As they try to hide your sons
Never caring what the truth is
We’re just like loaded guns
And we wish we could sell shots of you
Lying mangled in your car
But French law isn’t kind to us
People claim we went too far
Rupert’s a high class whore
And Teddie Turner wanted more and more
Yes they paid for photographs
And your life was the price they paid
Well even as you died
Oh the Larry Kings still gushed
We’ll forever use your face
Who cares if your privacy was crushed?

And it seems that now we’re photoless
As they try to hide your sons
Never caring what the truth is
We’re just like loaded guns
And we wish that we could sell shots of you
Lying mangled in your car
But French law isn’t kind to us
People claim we went too far
Goodbye Money Green
Though we never could have snapped enough
You had the gall to kill yourself
Making close ups kinda tough

Goodbye Money Green
From the press we think we’re not
We’re legitimate as the shit we spew
And in hell we’ll surely rot

Now while tabloid sales are in decline
All that we can do is wait
To see if Willy smokes a joint at school
Or Harry’s overweight
And the carnage will continue
Like the poison in the pen
And no one knows the difference now
Between The Sun and CNN

The People's Princess
December 1, 1997

The Gruesome Marketing of JonBenet
February 1, 1997

Of All The Nerve
Hot Gas and the Putrid Stench of Decaying Journalism

July 1, 1998

Drop, Drop, Drip, Drip
Eavesdropping, Pants Dropping,
Dresses Dripping and a Bunch of Drips

November 1, 1998

Three Funerals and a Wedding
The Sensationalizing of John Kennedy's Death

August 1, 1999

Won't the Real Hypocrite Please Shut Up?
Lots of Hot Property, None of it Intellectual!

October 6, 2000

Moronic Irony and Patriotic Hypocrisy
Publishing's New Refrain

October 1, 2001

Jejune Journalism
September 1, 2002

Detox City for Botoxic Nation
October 21, 2003

Popsicle Pathology
October 25, 2004

A Midwinter Night's Scream
January 16, 2005

Following the tragic death of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997, Annoy.com’s Clinton Fein penned the song “Money Green,” which was performed live in Los Angeles in October 1997 by the talented Meri Free, and her band Circle.

Now, eight years later, we are re-releasing the song (for the first time, with an accompanying, cheesy production values, video). While certain of Fein’s predictions about the royals did not come true, most about the media did, and the song holds as true today as it did back then. (See accompanying lyrics.)

For instance, Fein wrote: “Now while tabloid sales are in decline, all we can do is wait, to see if Willy smokes a joint at school or Harry’s overweight.” Well, we all know Harry’s not overweight, and William, to our knowledge, was not the son smoking joints at school.

No one can tell the difference between The Sun and CNN anymore than they can tell the difference between the National Enquirer and The New York Post. The onslaught of here today, gone tomorrow reality stardom has diluted tabloidism to the point that the only celebrities anyone remembers these days are Jennifer, Brad and Angelina and some pregnant trailer trash bimbette modeling herself after Madonna, who once barebacked stallions and now can’t even ride a horse.

P.S.S. Free T-Shirt to the person who is truly able to tell the difference between the Sun and CNN!

"The Communications Decency Act makes no distinction between what is considered "annoying" versus that that is "abusive threatening or harassing". We are not demanding a constitutional right to threaten politicians and public figures by chasing them through tunnels and killing them in the process. Simply to be able to communicate with them through a medium and in a manner that is generally less dangerous than eating an apple."

Clinton Fein, Editor and Publisher, Annoy.com, 1998


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