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Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Annoy.com Anecnote: Pontification

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The reported framework for a settlement would give up to $30 million to the 86 plaintiffs, which include 70 people who claimed they were abused by Geoghan. Each would receive an average of $232,000 to $348,000 each, with an arbitrator deciding the amount in each case, The Boston Globe reported.
Boston archdiocese reaches tentative $30 million deal with victims, reports say

On Sept. 21, 2000, Bush wrote in USA Today that he would allocate $80 billion over 10 years in tax incentives to help churches provide services. Bush has expressed concern that existing federal funding mechanisms may not be efficient enough in distributing tax dollars to religious ministries so he has promised a new government agency to make things easier.
President Bush and 'Faith-Based' Initiatives

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ponˇtifˇiˇcate n.

The office or term of office of a pontiff.

intr.v. ponˇtifˇiˇcatˇed, ponˇtifˇiˇcatˇing, ponˇtifˇiˇcates (-kt)
To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.
To administer the office of a pontiff.

[Latin pontifictus, from pontifex, pontific-, pontifex; see pontifex. V., from Medieval Latin pontificre, pontifict-, to act as an ecclesiastic from Latin pontifex.]

ponˇtifiˇcation n.
ponˇtifiˇcator n.

Source: The American HeritageŽ Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition


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