Assisted Suicide Is Bootleg Suicide," by Thomas Szasz (LOS ANGELES TIMES, 11/23/01).
"Beware of Pharmacracy," by Thomas Szasz (UPI, 8/21/01).
"The Therapeutic State: The Tyranny of Pharmacracy," by Thomas Szasz (THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW, Spring, 2001).
"Arguments for Federalism," by Alex Tabarrok, research director of The Independent Institute.
Everybody's Happy Now The Martyrdom of Tim McVeigh By Clinton Fein
Friday, June 01, 2001
Death Becomes Her America's Dysfunctional Relationship with Death
By Clinton Fein
Tuesday, December 01, 1998 RELATED POSTCARDS
Adieu Monsieur Mc Veigh
Dick Cheney
Ashes to Ashcroft 2002
Take Drugs
Honor & Dignity
De-Politicizing the Final Choice |  | NOISE
Richard Holmes knows he doesn't need a doctor's prescription for a powerful sedative to end his life. He could turn on his car's ignition and sit in his closed garage. Or he could swallow a bottle of the liquid morphine he takes to ease the pain from the cancer that has spread to his liver.
But a solitary and perhaps violent suicide is not the kind of death Holmes wants. Nor does he wish to spend his last days in a painkiller-induced fog, unable to talk with his children and grandchildren.
'I Should Die the Way I Want To' Ore. Doctors, Patients Defend Threatened Assisted Suicide Law, By Susan Okie, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Well, drug use, in my view, is a crime. It's a violation of the law. Simple drug possession is a violation of the law. At the same time, I think it is appropriate that we look at options for nonviolent drug users such as drug courts that have intensive drug testing. There's accountability there, long-term rehabilitation. They have a better chance of success of changing their direction in life.
Asa Hutchinson, the newly-appointed head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Newshour with Jim Lehrer, PBS, August 27, 2001
I don't see any obstacle in the Oregon law or our view of that (law) that might impact on the appropriate use of pain medication to relieve pain
Asa Hutchinson, the newly-appointed head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, October 25, 2001, Death With Dignity National Center
If God leaves us free to make decisions, who would I be to supersede God and start imposing what he allows us to be free to decide?
Attorney General John Ashcroft, Larry King Live, CNN, February 7, 2001
John Ashcroft is a born-again, Bible believing Christian and former evangelist. He and his wife, Janet, attend National Community Church, which was originally organized by the Schencks. Faith and Action commends the Attorney General, the Bush Administration and the Justice Department for taking definitive action to safeguard elderly, hopelessly sick, lonely and sad persons, created in God’s image and objects of His love, from crusading euthanasia advocates by reversing a Clinton Administration order approving of the practice.
Faith and Action, P&R Schenck Associates in Evangelism, Inc. © 2001