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Monday, December 20, 2004

Sacrofficial Lamb

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Your son is dead you piece of dirt
Or could it be your daughter?
Doesn’t matter anyway when
Blood’s as thick as water.

Weep in haste you stupid bat
Just hurry up and pray
So you lost your only child
I haven’t got all day.

I sign along the dotted line
With signature machines
The sacrifice you gave today’s
Exactly what it means.

Oh Gentle me, Official Lamb
So spare me all the drama
A Shinning Knight, oh Goodness, yes
The only one with armor!

So brave am I (and rushed and late),
I’m Iraq’s silver lining
I did Kuwait, though, trip was great
Besides the Guardsman whining.

I’m warm as blood and that’s the truth
My heart, oh see it bleed
Gotta run, boy it’s been fun
Hurry Joyce, we're off to Walter Reed.


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