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Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Post Partum Strategic Influence

Remember how you thought it was
Happy just a moment in time.
Drowning your sorrow
No hope for tomorrow
Pain deep and passion decline.
Washing and needing and crying and pleading
In silence you suffered the Lie.

The babies came, the baby game
They had your face they had your name
They counted all, they kept the score
You couldn’t churn out anymore
And in the end the pain of birth
Was all that you were really worth

You stated your terror, Your postpartum state
The State gave incentive to accelerate the rate.
Your state of depression, your cries left too late.
Invective instead for a woman to hate.

You listen now, you have no choice
The silent cries the whispering Voice
Lost in time your world is numb
Accused Excuse, your time has come.

Your morning mourning morbid mood
The sacrifice you thought was good
The mercy you won’t likely see
Is what you gave to set them free.

No army will claim them
No weapon will maim them
No priest them molest,
No religion them detest.

A mercy killing from the heart,
A pain that was too hard to take.
We’ll drown in tears when you depart
The day we burn you at the Stake.
State of the Art Exit, Best of Breed,
High techno send off with media feed
Post partum depression is not quite so funny,
As avenging the babies by murdering the mummy.


If the Bush inner circle had a higher regard for journalism, and for the role of truth in public affairs, it would understand how repellent it is for the American government to hide the truth, delay the facts or peddle phony stories to news organizations overseas.
Maureeen Dowd, Office of Strategic Mendacity, The New York Times, February 20, 2002

The Reno family donated six burial plots. This was a great blessing for both of our families.
Russell Yates, Thank You's, The Yates Kids
Editor's note: five were killed in a family of seven

A defense fund has been established to help pay for Andrea's legal defense. The state, who will reportedly spend one million tax dollars to prosecute Andrea, is seeking the death penalty against her. Any funds received in excess of what's required to defend Andrea will be donated to causes for women's mental health issues, particularly post-partum depression and psychosis.
Russell Yates, Defense Fund, The Yates Kids

Come on...come over here...come on Paul...come on...c'mere, c'mere, c'mere...come on Paul...come on...pretty close to crawling...come here...come here...
Andrea Yates, Paul Crawling, Russell Yates video footage, April 26, 1998

Inside the court, women's rights activists and death-penalty opponents, who shortly after Yates' arrest voiced their concern at every opportunity, were nowhere in sight.

"There is no reserved seating for the family at all," said Russell Yates' aunt Fairy Caroland. "The family is upset. We had to sit behind the media."
Lisa Teachey, Mostly media, not much public: Yates trial generates little interest for spectators, Houston Chronicle, February 19, 2002

We're a hundred percent behind her. We don't blame Andrea. We feel she did not receive proper medical care, and if she had have received proper medical care, her children would still be here today... We want her to be found 'Not Guilty' by reason of insanity and we want her to get proper treatment because she was ill and insane at the time.
Kathy Crist, Russell Yates' aunt, CBS News

The OSI (Office of Strategic Influence) was created shortly after September 11 to publicize the U.S. government’s perspective in Islamic countries and to generate support for the U.S.’s “war on terror.” This latest announcement raises grave concerns that far from being an honest effort to explain U.S. policy, the OSI may be a profoundly undemocratic program devoted to spreading disinformation and misleading the public, both at home and abroad. At the same time, involving reporters in Pentagon disinformation puts the lives of working journalists at risk.
Fairness &Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) Media Advisory, Pentagon Propaganda Plan Is Undemocratic, Possibly Illegal, February 19, 2002

An estimated 1 out of every 6 women experiences troubling depression or anxiety after the birth or adoption of a child. This is referred to as postpartum depression and can be a tremendously stressful time for the family.

We believe that there are many factors in a difficult post partum adjustment or depression - sleep deprivation, financial stress, grief over an unexpectedly difficult birth, a traumatic family history and the high expectations of the mother and the society she lives in, being among some of them.
Pacific Post Partum Support Society


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