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Friday, January 11, 2002

Big Sister

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Click here to listen to original song sung by Tata Vega from the 'Color Purple' soundtrack, Miss Celie's Blues

Sister, you're reading my mind
Sister, you’re just too unkind
So sister,
's nothing much to love about you

I hate to think I don't have one thing
That you don’t know too
Oh sister, I know you peep and spy too
I´m someone
With papers, a national ID card too

Oh, Listener,
There’s such a lot you can gain
And eavesdrop, until it drives us insane
Oh, but fear not
Mr. Ellison will still give t’your campaign

So let me warn you somethin' sister
We’ll remember your name
No Lister,
will plastic swipe down my name
Big Sister
While burning flags still isn’t a crime
So shake your Fascist ass,
'Cause Sister Feinstein, you're just outa line


Big Sister
With Compromise
Hands Off
Hands Off Constitution
Why Burn It?
Thin Red Line


Our nation's borders have become a sieve. This bill will strengthen our counter-terrorism efforts by connecting law enforcement together with a centralized 'lookout' database, upgrade technologies used to prevent fraud and illegal entry, and impose new restrictions on student visas to prevent misuse of the program by those who would do this nation harm
California Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001, November 2, 2001

The American flag is a revered object as well as a national symbol. Indeed, it is our monument in cloth. And, I believe that it should be viewed as such— as a revered national object, not simply as one of many vehicles for free speech.
Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein on a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Flag Desecration, March 28, 2000

In an interview with the Mercury News on Tuesday night, Ellison, the chairman and CEO of Oracle, said he met with U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and officials at the CIA and FBI in Washington, D.C., over the past week to discuss the idea. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has endorsed it, other tech executives have jumped on board and even some prominent civil libertarians have said the idea is worth pursuing.
Support grows for Ellison's national ID card proposal, Mercury News

One of the most memorable symbols of Nazi-style fascism was the individual identity card, something ardently sought by many bureaucrats and politicians. And on the most prominent anti-gun professed liberals in the Senate, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has been one of the principle advocates of the universal identify card in the US. She has also been an advocated for a whole bushel of legislation which intrudes on the rights and freedoms of individuals, including expanded wiretapping, limits on "habeas corpus" appeals, and expanded authority for federal law enforcement agencies. The ID card, frequently identified as the infamous "papieren" of Gestapo agents in Nazi Germany, has been one of the most obvious symbols of fascism in this century, and has come under fire not just among gunowner activists but among all genuine civil libertarians.
Joseph P. Tartaro - Editor. The New Gun Week, 'Dianne Feinstein and the Terror Card' October 1, 1996

When I first heard that Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle Corp., had proposed a national I.D. card to help fight terrorism, I thought it was a joke. Not the I.D. card idea. But that Ellison was proposing it. Flash back to June 2000, when the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal revealed that Oracle had hired private detectives to spy on rival Microsoft in the most unsavory ways, including, the Associated Press noted, “a $1,200 offer to janitors to get a peak at the trash.” Ellison was utterly unapologetic--in fact, flippant. He said he personally approved the operation and called it a “civic duty,” adding, “Some of the things our investigator did may have been unsavory. Certainly from a personal hygiene point, they were. I mean, garbage…yuck.” Is this a man to trust with the software for tens of millions of identification cards?
James K. Glassman, Tech Central Station, 'A National I.D. Card? Yes; Run by Larry Ellison? No", October 25, 2001.

Visitors to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Permanent Exhibition receive identification cards. These identification cards describe the experiences of people who lived in Europe during the Holocaust. Designed as small booklets to be carried through the exhibition, the cards help visitors to personalize the historical events of the time.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council


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