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Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Sinning in Cincinnati

Your gun - it glistens in the dark,
Oh wait! It's just your nails.

Your neighborhood it scares us so,
We've heard some nasty tales.

But don't you worry Mommy dear,
We meant your child no harm.
We'll pull the filth from museum walls
We'll sound the right alarms.

We'll rid the world of all things bad;
Cincinnati won't respite;

But don't blame us for killing kids;
It's their fault they're not white.
Timothy Thomas


Protesters, angered by the fatal weekend police shooting of an unarmed black man, set fire late Tuesday to a market in a historic area of Cincinnati and looted buildings, police said.

CNN - Protesters loot, set fires in Cincinnati - April 11, 2001

Over the past week the people of Cincinnati have faced chemical attacks, rubber bullets, beanbag pellets, and strict curfews at the hands of the police but STILL they have continued to resist injustice. Refuse and Resist! has been on the streets with the people of Cincinnati protesting yet another stolen life. We encourage the people of Cincinnati to continue their righteous and spirited protest. Those who resist should be supported, not targeted!

Executive Committee of Refuse and Resist! April 13, 2001

There were members of the New Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, the Cincinnati Black United Front, several anti-police brutality and college organizations, and many other groups, including the Crips and the Bloods. Members of the Vineyard Community Church, a white church with a strong social agenda, arrived on a school bus escorted by police. In a genuine show of support from the white community, they served over 3000 boxed lunches of sandwiches, chips, cookies and drinks to many of the protestors.

To Mourn in Anger: The Funeral of Timothy Thomas, By Tanu T. Henry and Ken Gibbs


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