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Monday, October 15, 2001

Military Intelligence

Click to Hear to Melody

Hitler, he only had one ball,
Goering, he had two but very small,
Himmler had something simmler,
But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all.
Whistle Chorus:

Gay groups have zero hope at all,
Confusion, how military works at all,
Fag, on a bomb's a drag,
When 'orientation' would please one and all.
Whistle Chorus:

From now on, be careful what you write,
Whilst bombing Afghanis out of site.
Being PC, is so damn easy,
When there's nothing important to fight.
Whistle Chorus:

Assholes with such a lame defense
Incoherence, the message makes no sense
Silence, from the perps of violence
Like Doctor Laura, will not build a fence
Whistle Chorus:
October 24, 2001
Missile Madness
Flags Flames and Fags

By Clinton Fein

February 20, 2001
Rather Sad to Be Glaad!
The Eminem Controversey

By Clinton Fein

January 8, 2000
Telling, Asking and Lying.
The Official Military Policy

By Clinton Fein

Military Intelligence
Just Desserts
Button Your Lip
Human Rights Champagne
I Want You
Like It or Not
Operation Red Cross

World Trade Center Strike
The upcoming War
Here Come the Screws on Civil Rights
Boom, Boom, out goes the lights
Some more fun

Hitler Has Only Got One Ball
Click to Hear to Melody - "Colonel Bogey March" England 1939-1940

An anti-gay slur written on one of the bombs used in the strikes on Afghanistan was inappropriate and commanders have been directed to prevent similar incidents, a top Navy official said. Pilots or crews of U.S. warplanes often write messages on bombs, either taunting the enemy or praising America. Messages written on bombs during the anti-terrorism airstrikes have included several references to the Sept. 11 attacks.
Anti-Gay Bomb Slur Wrong, Navy Says, Associated Press, October 18, 2001

We appreciate the timely efforts by The Associated Press to address this issue, but this image should be explained and discussed, not hidden from view.
GLAAD Executive Director Joan M. Garry, October 12,2001

This is a culmination of GLAAD's three years of strategic education and advocacy work...In coalition with thousands of local activists from across the country, we have held Laura Schlessinger accountable for her defamation of our community. And we've sent a strong message that we are no longer an easy target for prejudice. GLAAD hopes the cancellation of Dr. Laura will make media corporations think twice about giving a platform to someone who promotes derision and exclusion. Such decisions will never go unchallenged.
GLAAD Executive Director Joan M. Garry, March 30, 2001

We immediately notified Navy commanders involved with Operation Enduring Freedom to ensure steps were taken to prevent a recurrence of this unfortunate incident. They have done so
Rear Adm. Stephen Pietropaoli, U.S. Navy, October 18, 2001

Cursing the aim of U.S. pilots, distraught residents of Kabul on Sunday pulled the dust-covered bodies of women and children from the rubble of two homes shattered by an American bomb. Neighbors reported at least eight dead, while Dr. Izetullah at the city's Wazir Akbar Khan hospital said 13 bodies had been brought there -- all apparently members of the same family...Ranging in age from about 8 to 13, the four boys lay under bloodied sheets at the hospital, only their bare feet visible...Izetullah wept as he pulled back the shrouds to display the lifeless bodies. Survivors wailed outside.
Kabul residents say 8 civilians killed in midday U.S. strike, October 21, 2001

I strongly support the U.S. air and ground war against bin Laden and the Taliban. I believe unrelenting military force is the only way to destroy this ruthless enemy. I proudly display an American flag in my window.
Andrew Sullivan's jihad, by David Talbot, October 21, 2001


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